About Us

Since 1883, Modern Woodmen of America has brought people together, supported families and strengthened communities.

About Us
Modern Woodmen of America, Rock Island, IL

Looking for a meaningful career?

Grow with Modern Woodmen! As a financial representative, you can make a positive impact for your family and your community.

Financial Planning

We can help you meet your current needs, achieve your future dreams and plan for all stages of life.

Planning for Life
Stories of strength from our history
A female nurse taking care of a male patient at Modern Woodmen's tuberculosis camp in 1909.

Persevering Through Uncertain Times

Our Products

Modern Woodmen maintains a portfolio of high-quality financial products that can help you meet a wide range of life needs.

Our Products
Don't know where to start?
Couple meeting with a Financial Rep

Financial planning

Browse our helpful tips and articles to understand what’s important to you and your loved ones.

Resource Hub

Visit our Resource Hub to learn more about life insurance and potential solutions to protect you and your loved ones. It’s a great place to find the answers to your questions and some hints from professionals.

Visit Resource Hub
Our guide to applying for life insurance

What to expect from the life insurance application process

From commonly used terms to hints for the medical exam and more, our handy guide helps you understand the application process.


My Membership

When you join Modern Woodmen, you become a member of the organization. You trust us with your financial needs. And you have the opportunity to access fraternal member programs and impact your community.

My Membership
Member Website
Father daughter playing together

Member Website Overview

Make a payment, update your address, and access account information, online forms and fraternal programs from the member website.

Financial Strength

Financial Strength

Protecting the funds Modern Woodmen members place with us is not only our promise, but our obligation – one we’ve met since 1883. Together, we maintain Modern Woodmen’s financial stability.

Protecting members’ funds

Modern Woodmen makes financial decisions in the best interest of our members, and they can be confident in our ability to meet short- and long-term obligations – no matter what’s going on in the world.

We’ve weathered world wars, disease outbreaks, depressions and recessions. Read stories of strength from our organization's history.

Financial strength: 5 facts to know 

1. Modern Woodmen’s asset base is a strength

At year-end 2024, assets equaled $18.17 billion. All of the funds members place with Modern Woodmen are backed by these assets. Modern Woodmen’s assets, along with liabilities, declined in 2021 due to a one-time reinsurance transaction.Growth in assets_2024.png

2. Our investment philosophy safeguards members’ principal

Modern Woodmen manages its assets so that changes in the financial markets – recessions, depressions or periods of inflation – have minimal effect. Modern Woodmen is also careful not to follow investment fads. To build our investment portfolio, our financial management team follows these principles:

  • High-quality investments.
  • Diversified investments.
  • Competitive rates of return.

Assets are invested primarily in high-quality, low-risk investments. As of Dec. 31, 2024, approximately 98.5% of bonds were of high or medium quality.

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3. Our industry ratings are high

Modern Woodmen’s financial strength is rated A (Excellent), the third highest of 13 ratings, by A.M. Best, an independent rating agency. A.M. Best’s issuer credit rating for Modern Woodmen is a+ (Excellent), the fifth highest of 21 ratings.

Additionally, KBRA has assigned Modern Woodmen an insurance financial strength rating of AA-, the fourth highest of its 22 rating categories.

4. Surplus and reserves provide additional protection to members

  • Modern Woodmen’s total surplus was $2.6 billion at the end of 2024. Surplus provides additional safety for members and ensures Modern Woodmen’s ability to meet unforeseen contingencies and provide funds for future growth.  
  • Total life insurance, annuity and other certificate reserves totaled $10.8 billion. These reserves are funds held to guarantee future benefits to members.    
  • Modern Woodmen’s solvency ratio reached 116.67%. This means that for every $100 of liabilities – promises made to members – Modern Woodmen has $116.67 in assets to back up those promises. 

5. Modern Woodmen adheres to state insurance department regulations to protect consumers

Modern Woodmen and other life insurance and annuity providers are highly regulated by state insurance departments. Regulations, such as the amount of reserves to set aside and the risk level of investments, provide additional protection to members.

Annual report

View Modern Woodmen’s full 2024 annual report.