Nikki Britt didn’t experience the normal bonding time most new moms enjoy. You don’t get those simple pleasures when you give birth at 27 weeks.
The nurses didn’t bring her baby boy to her so she could snuggle him right away. It was hours and hours before she even laid eyes on him. Almost a week before she touched his hand. A week and a half before she held him for the first time.
“It was tough,” says Nikki, a member from French Camp, Mississippi. “I don’t wish it on anyone.”
Nikki and her husband, Craig, would experience many tough moments over the coming months. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves …
BKG (before Kenneth James)
When the Britts got married, they talked to their old friend, Modern Woodmen representative Matt Bennett. They hoped to have a child or adopt one day and wanted to financially protect their family.
“Matt knows how we are,” says Nikki. “We want to be prepared.”
Matt helped Craig purchase life insurance, but Nikki faced health concerns that would likely cause her to be denied coverage. Luckily, her dad (a longtime Modern Woodmen member) had purchased a term life insurance certificate (policy) for Nikki as a child.
Matt helped convert Nikki’s term plan to permanent insurance with its guaranteed options to increase coverage at stated ages. Each time an option has become available, the Britts have taken advantage of it.
When Matt learned the couple was expecting, he was excited for his friends. But he also knew the pregnancy could be high risk.
It was. Kenneth James Britt came into this world Dec. 5, 2023, three months premature, at 2 pounds, 11 ounces and 14 inches long.
Time in the NICU
Kenneth James spent a full three months in the neonatal intensive care unit before his parents could bring him home. Among other concerns, he had a high heart rate and a small hole in one of the chambers of his heart.
Nikki recalls many tears while traveling back and forth from the hospital in Jackson to home, an hour and a half away. Sometimes with Craig, whose employer allowed him to take a couple of days off each week. Sometimes alone. Every day.
“I only missed one day, due to an ice storm,” she says. “That just about killed me.”
According to Nikki, every day brought something new. She’d arrive thinking Kenneth James was doing great, only to find out he’d had a spell, and teams were working on him.
“It’s scary not knowing whether your baby is going to be there the next day when you get to the hospital,” she says.
Health concerns brought constant fear. And missed milestones, such as the first time her baby got to wear clothes, brought a storm of emotions.
“It sounds like a small thing but missing that was huge for me.”
It’s scary not knowing whether your baby is going to be there the next day when you get to the hospital.
One less worry
Matt reached out to the Britts a few days after Nikki was released from the hospital to check on his friends and offer help. Wanting to lessen some financial anxiety, he also reminded them of one of the benefits of their Modern Woodmen membership.
The Newborn Life Insurance Benefit ensures member parents can obtain permanent life insurance coverage their newborn can build on as an adult … regardless of health. In case of early tragedy, the program offers financial support for the newborn’s funeral or medical costs.
From previous conversations, Matt knew the couple intended to purchase life insurance for their baby. Thanks to this member benefit, the Britts were able to secure a lifetime of valuable coverage while Kenneth James was still in the NICU and considered uninsurable.
“Of course, it was hard to talk about,” Nikki says. “You don’t want to think about anything happening to your baby … especially when you’re going through everything we were going through. But having life insurance gives you that little bit of peace of mind. If the worst happens, you have something there to help you. Otherwise, you have coverage for your baby’s future.”
Miracle baby
Kenneth James is doing great now. To everyone’s amazement, he gained nearly 20 pounds in his first seven months.
“Little Man is not even on the growth chart anymore for normal preemies,” Nikki says.
He still takes heart medication every day. But doctors no longer hear the murmur, signaling that the hole is closed (or almost).
While Nikki is glad the NICU days are over, she does hold some fond memories in her heart. She’ll never forget when Kenneth James propped his little head up on his arm and stared at her while she was holding him on Christmas day. It meant the world to her the day a nurse made sure she was there to help with her baby’s first bath.
Nikki missed a lot of the “normal” new mom experiences. But what is normal anyway? She doesn’t wish the tough days on anyone. But perhaps the tough days have made all the other little moments since all the more precious. And perhaps that’s the best lesson of all.
One less worry
Caring for an infant in poor health is one of the scariest things a new parent may face. Modern Woodmen’s Newborn Life Insurance Benefit doesn’t take the scary away, but Craig and Nikki Britt learned it does lessen some financial anxiety.
Up to $90,000 of guaranteed coverage
Members can apply for $10,000 of permanent life insurance for their newborn’s future. This member benefit guarantees the coverage will be issued at standard rates – regardless of the infant’s current health.
Those who take advantage of the Newborn Life Insurance Benefit also add a required guaranteed purchase option rider. The life insurance add-on ensures the child can obtain up to $80,000 of additional coverage as an adult. Standard rates. No medical questions required.
Support in case of early tragedy
The Newborn Life Insurance Benefit provides automatic financial support to qualifying families who suffer the loss of an infant within the first six months. The benefit provides $10,000 to assist with the newborn’s funeral or medical costs. No life insurance application required.
Subject to change, fraternal member programs are not part of the contract and may have specific eligibility requirements. Some programs are not available to all members.
The Britt family's representative

Additional products and services
Talk to a representative to see what's best for you.

Term life insurance
No one expects to have a fatal accident, get sick or die too soon, but what if? What if those who depend on your income no longer could? Term life insurance can be an affordable way to get the protection you need to keep your family, your business, and your hopes and dreams alive. With term life insurance, your beneficiaries receive income-tax free money if you die during the term period – without the delays and expense of probate.

Newborn Life Insurance Benefit
This benefit ensures member parents can obtain permanent life insurance coverage for their newborn’s future … regardless of current health. In case of tragedy, the benefit helps with medical or funeral costs.